Vueling review by Frederic 2014-10-10

    October 10, 2014


    Hello, I am very unpleased with VUELING. In brief, I made two reservations for friends of mine with my visa card on sunday. I brought them to the airport on Monday morning. Their reservation was officially (e-mail) cancelled 1h before the flight!! I had to immediately book another reservation at a more expensive rate.

    How can this happen ?

    The reason for cancelling was ” A visa card problem”. How does VUELING explain then that my card was charged for the cancelled AND the new reservation ?
    This is VERY unprofessional.

    I must add that the VUELING agent at ORLY, the supposedly manager , was particularly rude and aggressive to me, threatened me and refused to give her name . This is also highly unprofessional.

    My analysis of the web is that this type of problem with VUELING (last minute unjustified cancellation and higher faire) is not the first case.
    I think people should be extremely careful with low-cost companies, and in particular with VUELING, before using their services.