United Airlines review by Pamela

    December 07, 2022

    The WORST child-“friendly” airline I have ever come across. United did not prioritise families travelling with young children. The staff were unfriendly and unhelpful. One attendant at the departure gate even said -“hurry up, you’re holding up the boarding process”. Why not request families to come forward at the start for processing? – afterall, if there are 2 adults and 3 kids, this is OBVIOUSLY going to take a little more time than an adult traveller on their own; the grandparents were attempting to hold the children – which would have made the process quicker and easier for everyone but were pushed aside. On one sector, we were squeezed onto the tarmac bus – had to stand with babies and a toddler – attendant at the gate said we’d have to ask a fellow passenger to make a seat available.