United Airlines review by Michael 2016-03-12

    March 12, 2016

    Yes, they are obliged to give the FAA mandated warnings on what to do in an emergency. They don’t want me to wet my pants (their seats) just because the “wear seat belts sign” is on – so they choose their words carefully when ordering people back to their seats and I’m sure that they have been instructed in this.However – forcing me remove my ear buds to listen for the 50th time on how to operate the oxygen masks and life jackets is pathetic. I am sorry they have to give the routine on every flight – lobby the FAA to stop being stupid but leave me in peace. SW takes a more sensible approach ( just going through the motions) and I will reward them with my dollars when possible. United can continue to exercise their power and force me to listen when no alternative airline options are available.