South African Airways (SAA) review by Thabang 2016-04-25

    April 25, 2016

    so for the first time I embarked on a downting task of travelling abroad. as such you are not entirely aware as to what is to be expected on the flight for 10 hours
    I was greeted by the warm cabin crew of flight SA222 to Sao Paulo on the 24th April 2016
    the extent of experience of the cabin crew is quite impressive and immediately puts a novelist like me at ease.
    I was particularly impressed as to how they had continuously ensured that my needs where put at ease whilst ensuring that I’m given room to adjust to mu surroundings
    considering that there where kids on board, I must say that the Cabin crew showed significant Farnese throughout this challenging flight

    I’m assured that with a crew such SAA that of flight SA222, SAA will continue to be flourish regionally as well as abroad

    thank you for such as experience