Geoffrey Thomas discusses Godfrey’s ground breaking MH370 tracking

by Christine Forbes Smith
January 02, 2022
MH370 Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Thomas discusses the tragic loss of MH370 and the ground-breaking work of British aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey that has identified the most likely location of the Boeing 777.

In November Mr. Godfrey announced that MH370 impacted the ocean 1,933km due west of Perth at 33.177°S 95.300°E and lies at a depth of 4,000m in a very mountainous area with deep ravines and a volcano.


Here is a video of the MH370 location.

Here are the links for further reading:

Fine detail of MH370’s flight path 

WSPRnet explain

WSPRnet MH370 tracking gets expert support

MH370: The extraordinary debris trail across the Indian Ocean 

MH370: Chronology of major events 

Mr Richard Godfrey