Turkish Airlines Editor Reviews
Turkish Airlines Passenger Reviews
Adriana Harrison
about 1 month ago
9 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Adriana Harrison
Карты аэропортов в мобильном приложении Turkish Airlines действительно полезны.
Karri Standifer
about 1 month ago
9 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Karri Standifer
En el billete que compré en clase económica, elegí los asientos delanteros. Era un área amplia y espaciosa que nunca antes había experimentado, me gustó mucho.
Arthur Young
about 1 month ago
2 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Arthur Young
This was the worst experience I've ever had among any airlines all my life, and I've taken hundreds of flights. I flew from Kilimanjaro to Addis Ababa and then on to Istanbul just fine; apparently Ethiopian Air doesn't have any trouble with people booking trips through United (which I did). But then after passing through all the security at Istanbul, the TA guy at the gate would not let me board the plane to LAX. He said they could not confirm my flight! This was ridiculous. I paid for my flight, and then they did not let me get on the plane. The TA agent (who was nonchalant, rude, uncaring, and arrogant) at the gate told me to go to the TA ticket counter, and did not seem to care that I would miss my flight. The next flight from Istanbul to LAX was 6 hrs later. I went to the TA ticket counter already having missed my flight. There I was treated even more rudely. I was told that they could not find my flight. I informed them that they had already messed up my outbound flight (a different story) and now they were messing up my inbound flight. Then they accused me of being "late to the gate." I told them that was absurd -- I arrived at the gate a half hour before boarding time. The issue was not that I was late, it was that their agent at the gate would not let me board the plane. The TA people at the counter did not believe me. They said they would check the security camera footage to see if indeed I was at the gate on time. They rudely told me to step aside while they allegedly "examined" this. I have never in my entire life heard of such a preposterous thing; this was completely unprofessional. Well, they made me wait off to the side for twenty, then thirty minutes. I protested that they should just call their guy at the gate and he would confirm that I was there on time! They ignored me. Finally, after more than half an hour, they claimed that they called him and he said I was late! This was beyond ridiculous. Then they said that the booking I did on United using my United miles got "changed" somehow. They showed me a printout of my six flights (3 going and 3 returning) and underlined that the last one said "Exchanged." However, all six flights said "Exchanged." This does not mean that the flight got changed. It just means that the booking I did on United got assigned to another airlines. Obviously they are so incompetent that they don't even know this. So, there were three issues that they used as their excuse, all of which were independent of each other, and all of which were completely false. First, they could not find the confirmation of my ticket. Second, they claimed I was late to the gate. Third, they claimed that the United ticket got changed. I was left with no other option than to purchase from them the next flight from Istanbul to LAX. This cost me $1,117.77 out of pocket. I even lost my iPhone, which cost me several hundred dollars. Then, I was treated extraordinarily awfully by another supposed TA supervisor. This was the worst experience I've ever had flying. I have voiced my complaint to United and urged them to sever their relationship with TA.
Berfin Uygaş
2 months ago
9 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Berfin Uygaş
Tam zamanında iniş yapması çok iyi bir olay. Hava olayı olmadığı taktirde çok dakikler.
Benedict McCoy
2 months ago
10 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Benedict McCoy
Me subí a un avión por primera vez la semana pasada y me divertí mucho. Pensé que tendría miedo, pero nunca viví una situación así, fue muy agradable. No sabía que había tantas películas y series de televisión buenas y entretenidas en el sistema de entretenimiento a bordo.
Barnes Sawyer
2 months ago
9 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Barnes Sawyer
It was the first time I saw a child traveling unaccompanied at the airport and they were given priority and were constantly checked on the plane. They were very attentive and careful.
Zahide Bakar
2 months ago
10 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Zahide Bakar
إنهم ناجحون جدًا في خدمة الصالة. أنها تمكنك من قضاء وقت ممتع.
Xiaoyu Cnees
2 months ago
9 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Xiaoyu Cnees
The seats were very comfortable, even though I have long legs, I was able to travel comfortably thanks to the legroom.
Aila zor
2 months ago
9 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Aila zor
Поскольку окружающие меня так хвалили его, я решил дать ему шанс. С тех пор я не мог путешествовать ни одной авиакомпанией, кроме Turkish Airlines.
Halime Sula
2 months ago
9 / 10
Turkish Airlines review by Halime Sula
Gracias a la sinceridad y atención de la tripulación de cabina, pude aliviar muy rápidamente la tensión de mi primer vuelo.
377 total reviews