Geoffrey Thomas discusses MH370 tracking technology

by Airline Ratings Editors
December 01, 2021
MH370 Editor-in-Chief Geoffrey Thomas has appeared on Channel 7’s top rating Sunrise morning show to discuss MH370 tracking technology.

The revolutionary new tracking technology has enabled a British aerospace engineer to identify a far more precise crash position for MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean.

According to Richard Godfrey MH370 impacted the ocean 1,933km due west of Perth at 33.177°S 95.300°E and lies at a depth of 4,000m in a very mountainous area with deep ravines and a volcano.

The location is in the zone where the University of WA Head of Oceanography Professor Charitha Pattiaratchi claims MH370 is located.

The revelation is expected to provide the impetus for a new search later next year.

READ: MH370 probable location found

READ: MH370 the extraordinary trail of debris across the Indian Ocean

READ: MH370 chronology of major events 

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Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014, before plunging into the southern Indian Ocean — taking 239 passengers and crew.

Mr. Godfrey has used a revolutionary technology called weak signal propagation, first revealed by in April, to track the plane’s final movements.

Mr. Godfrey likens WSPR to “a bunch of tripwires or laser beams, but they work in every direction over the horizon to the other side of the globe.”

Put simply, as the aircraft flies through the “tripwire” the disturbance is recorded in a database.

Mr. Godfrey has spent the last nine months using his revolutionary technology on a series of “blind” flights that were not recorded on the usual tracking systems.

In each case, he was able to track the flight accurately in trials adjudicated by and a former Qantas 747 captain.

“My WSPRnet based flight path matches all the Inmarsat data,” Mr. Godfrey said.

MH370 was interrogated every hour by an Inmarsat satellite over the Indian Ocean and the communication was relayed via a receiving station in Gnangara to the UK.

Below MH370’s flightpath
