Bag tracking!

October 29, 2013
Luggage lost compensation

Losing your bag – the most agonizing part of air travel – may be over.

Each year 26 million bags go missing but there is a solution in sight according to Richard Warther, Vanguard ID Systems’ President and Founder.

Vanguard has announced the new E-Ink based ViewTag with a display that changes via the traveler’s phone.

The tag acts like a digital license plate and the passenger receives a text message telling them where their bags are located throughout their journey.

ViewTag  took over ten years to develop.

“We had to wait for the technology to catch up,” said Warther. “Everyone I show it to loves the idea. Both traveler, and Airline want a better solution, and this solves the problem. It’s a real breakthrough!”

The new technology will be demonstrated at the International Air Transport Association ’s World Passenger Symposium in Dublin, Ireland being held this week.