June 25, 2022
Blaine Gibson with MH370 cabin debris in Madagascar.

MH370 debris hunter Blaine Gibson is stunned by the Malaysian Government’s apparent reluctance to approve a new, no find no fee, search by Ocean Infinity.

“If they won’t sign a no find no fee contract for another search one has to ask are they more afraid of not finding the plane, or of finding it? and why?

Last week after a meeting with OI CEO Oliver Plunkett the Malaysia Minister of Transport Siri Wee Ka Siong in Kuala Lumpur the minister said: “he wanted more details.”

The new evidence, from revolutionary work by British Aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey, which has been peer-reviewed by 3 universities and OI pinpoints a precise location 1933km west of Perth, Western Australia.

Blaine Gibson, who has found more pieces of debris than any other person, says; “It is Ocean Infinity’s risk, money, ships, equipment, technology, and personnel. Malaysian officials don’t need to do or pay anything unless the plane is found.

“There is no excuse for Malaysian officials to be micromanaging and second-guessing Ocean Infinity’s decision and expertise. If the evidence is new and credible enough for Ocean Infinity to assume all the risk of another search, that should be good enough for Malaysia and everyone.”


Mr Gibson says that various conspiracy theorists are muddying the waters and “may be having the effect of giving Malaysian politicians and bureaucrats the excuse to do what they really want, which is nothing.

“The University of Western Australia drift analysis concluded the most likely MH370 crash site is in latitudes 32 and 33. That drift analysis predicted where and when debris would arrive and guided me to find and collect from locals about twenty pieces of the plane.

“This new technology WSPR analysis [from Richard Godfrey] puts the 370 crash site within the southern portion of the UWA recommended area.

“The louder the objection from the usual suspects to searching in that area, the more convinced I am that is where the 370 underwater wreckage lies. There is no excuse for Malaysian officials to refuse to accept this generous professional offer, sign the contract, and let the search move forward.

“It must be done not only for the MH370 families, but also for the flying public, and all people who seek justice and truth.

“If they won’t sign a no find no fee contract for another search one has to ask are they more afraid of not finding the plane, or of finding it? and why?”

Mr Gibson with some of the MH370 debris