Virgin Australia review by Melissa 2013-02-13

    February 13, 2013

    In August last year I flew Virgin from Perth to Sydney then a connecting flight with Air New Zealand to Auckland, then Auckland to Wellington!!! The flight from Perth to Sydney was very very very long with Virgin. Being it that my company booked the flight-I didn’t have a pre organised meal and most options on the menu had run out by the time the trolley reached our aisle. A few pringles and nuts later I wasn’t feeling too “full” from “dinner”. The seats were feeling a bit stuffy as I had two medium/large sized people squeezing me in, though the worst part was ZERO entertainment!!!! For any flight longer than 2 hours it should be mandatory that there is a tv!!! Our company always books Virgin flights wherever possible which is quite unfortunate in truth as I much prefer flying Qantas!!!! I would not recommend flying Virgin for long trips; short trips would be fine but longer flights are uncomfortable and boring with no entertainment and feel very long without the breakup of a proper “plane meal”.
    Editors note: Thank you for your informative review Melissa. You will be happy to know that Virgin Australia now provide a complimentary meal on all transcontinental flights.