Ukraine International review by Leonardo 2016-01-06

    January 06, 2016

    Traveling with 2 kids (one of them is a baby actually) was a challenge, that started right at the check-in. We had 2 pieces of luggage, the first one was underweighted and went through just fine, the second one was 2 kg overweight and it was rejected. There is no option to pay for overweighted 2 kg, we’ve been told to get rid of 2 kg from the luggage or we can’t go through. They also couldn’t return the first suitcase which was underweighted in order to move something from one suitcase to another. Our hand luggage was already packed tightly with baby stuff needed aboard, so we couldn’t move anything there. Only one piece of hand luggage is allowed per person. Luckily a lady in the queu offerd us to move some things to her suitcase. People at the chech-in just didn’t care and offered no help whatsoever for us with 2 kids. Oh yea, old planes, no space between seats for your knees.

    EDITORS COMMENT: Lovely to hear that another passenger would help you out like that in a tricky situation.