Transavia review by Sander 2016-01-12

    January 12, 2016

    I arrived at Amsterdam airport a bit late but luckily they helped me to check in. At the gate I was told that my bag didn’t fit in the cabin because it was to big to fit under the seat and the compartments above the seats were already filled with bags from other passengers. I was the last missing passenger and I understand that a 737 passenger jet doesn’t have space for all those big bags in the cabin. They offerd to check in my bag for free at the gate and I could remove any important items out of the bag into the cabin. Although it’s a budget brand of KLM and AirFrance don’t expect that you can use your member card at Transavia for fast check-in or extra services. They have there own policy, you can use you member card to collect air miles though!
    The flight was good and smooth, the aircraft seemed to be a brand new one so that might helped. The crew did there job, friendly Dutch or English speaking crew with humor. Because it’s a low cost airline beverages aren’t included but drinks and snacks are reasonably priced.
    I felt welcome, save and comfortable onboard there aircraft during my flight to Dubai.