Pegasus review by Flight 2014-08-02

    August 02, 2014

    In short, I have never experienced worse customer service than the Pegasus employees at Sabiha Gokcen airport (Istanbul) lost and found luggage area.

    At length: I flew with Pegaus airlines from Tel Aviv to Instanbul (TLV–> SAW) in late July. My luggage, along with 4 other peoples’, did not make it to Sabiha Gokcen airport in Istanbul. We went to the Pegasus lost and found luggage area and from the beginning, the employees seemed confused about what to do with us. I was speaking English, and the employees all spoke a little, but not very much, English so there was a lot of confusion. We all filled out forms with our names, where we were staying in Istanbul, etc. I was only staying in Istanbul for 2 days (then going to Athens) but the employee told me it might take up to a week to find my luggage so I should just fill out and form and that’s all.

    The next day I checked the lost luggage tracker online and they had put my email in incorrectly, so already they had no way to contact me because I didn’t have a Turkish phone. So, I bought Skype credit and began calling the 3 numbers they wrote down for me to call. No one picked up, 2 of the 3 numbers didn’t even ring. The only way I could get a hold of someone (and this went for the next 5 days as well) was by calling the Sabiha Gokcen airport number and going through the automated options to get to Pegasus, and even that way I was often redirected back to the automated message or simply hung up on.

    To keep this short, Pegasus said they would deliver my bag to where I was staying in Istanbul 2 days after I got in. They never did that, and the next day I had to go back to the airport to fly out anyway, so I got there early to get my luggage in person since they claimed they had it.

    No use. Since they were going to deliver it to me, it had been sent to a different airport to go through some cargo loading area or something. At this point I began crying in their office and after much arguing one employee said he would find a flight to Athens to put my luggage on so I would get it at my next destination. At this point I sat in their office crying for an hour and a half. Meanwhile, the employees all just looked at me or ignored me and not one of them ever offered a tissue, a kind word, nothing. They were even hanging around and laughing with each other while I sat and cried. Finally the man working with me asked if I wanted something to drink, but when I asked for coffee or tea he said “I’ll look” and never came back.

    Eventually he gave me a flight number that my bag would be on. When I got to Athens an employee (not Pegasus) told me that in the system they had my bag coming on a later flight. So I was lied to again by Pegasus.

    It is now a day later and my bag is still not in Athens and every time I call one of the 6 numbers I have that supposedly go to Pegasus employees, no one picks up, it redirects me to the menu, or they hang up on me.