China Southern review by Maika 2014-08-13

    August 13, 2014

    We flew from Brisbane to Edinburgh, and had a not so good experience, but at that stage we thought: you get what you pay!!!!!. We were dreading the flight back but not in my worse nightmare thought we’re going to have to endure what we did. We flew back via Paris, there they didn’t have sits for us, eventually they found some 4 sits together but they couldn’t send our bags all the way to Brisbane without having to claim them in china ,because there was a glitch on their system, put to sort all that out it took 2 hours!!!! Got in china and found out ( after a lot hassle)that we didn’t have to physically claim our bags they could do it on the computer. Got our boarding pass just to be told we were all separated but not to worry because the staff at the boarding gate would sort something out…if only!!!!! got to the boarding gate just to be told the flight was full and they couldn’t do nothing about it!!!!, at that stage I told them I’ve booked this sits about four months ago to make sure my 6 YEARS OLD AND 12 YEARS OLD would be sit next to us, they just said show me where you booked the sits!( I didn’t have it , not thinking that I would need it)…so I asked them to up grade at least one adult and the 6 years old to first class and they said if you want to do that you have to pay more!!!!. i told them there is no way my 6 years old can travel on his own for 9 hours, but all they kept saying there is nothing we can do. I boarded the flight crying my eyes out, and I very nice scottish man gave up his aisle sit to let my son sit with his dad. Within 5 hours flying I went to check on my daughter again just to find her wide awake with a 14 years old girl sleeping on her shoulder and a 17 years old boy on her LAP!!!! …when I complained, all they said was they didn’t want to wake up this strangers sleeping on my daughter!!!!
    I could handle going 12 hours without any working DVDs, the worse sits I have ever had on a plane, the food been disgusting, the staff not been very friendly , the aircon been so cold, everyone was shaking(but the people on the front of the plane were extremelly hot!)and all the other little things that it did happen, but splitting up my family is something I’ll never handle!