China Southern review by lyndsay 2014-08-08

    August 08, 2014

    Hi I wanted to share a very recent flight experience that has left me soooo angry. I booked last August to fly to England on China Southern, myself, husband, our nearly 4 yr old and twin 19month olds. Being so excited I booked cheap and the quickest route without doing any homework on the company. On boarding I asked if they were going to provide infant seat belts? They don’t have any! They never supplied infant life jackets either, Im not sure if they even had any on board. No baby change facilities, even in the airport. I had insisted at check in we did NOT want the bassinet row, we were upgraded to premium economy just behind business class. Bassinet row but no bassinets! Not ideal according to the man behind the curtain who kept complaining to us and staff. They took he’s side and were very rude to us. Told to sit down, shhh! Told we could go up the back to let them run around, we did and got in the way. We had to keep the window darkened the whole time, this flight was at 9:30am WST – 3pm english time, but everyone was sleeping apart from us. Then they started coming out every 30 mins and tidying the floor as if we were animals. At meal times they tried to give us 5 trays and we only had 3 tables, I went without meals. No help was given from any of the staff at any time. I was completely exhausted by time we arrived. On return we flew part way with air france, what a difference, staff so great and helpful, seat blots, life jacket, meals given separately, bassinets (yes given the row again!) then back to china for a 5 hr stop over, I had previously checked and there are 5 play areas in the airport according to their website, there was not 1!!!
    I believe my kids where good as they could be, and the staff stressing me out so much did not make it any better or easier to settle them. At one point I was ready to jump off!! So please mums and dads check when going away a little deeper than when it was just yourself travelling.