China Eastern review by Yadean 2016-01-19

    January 19, 2016

    I purchased three round trip tickets to Cambodia from San Francisco, CA just to end up being denied on the plane because we didn’t have VISA’s to go to Cambodia. I’ve been to Cambodia before and spoken with others who go frequently and have ALWAYS gotten my VISA at the airport in Cambodia upon arrival. I had no choice but to book a one way ticket with another airliner who INDEED VERIFIED THAT MY FAMILY DID NOT NEED VISAS AS THEY ARE ISSUED UPON ARRIVAL and let us board the flight. I soon got an email saying my entire ticket has been cancelled and that I could not use my return tickets. I called multiple offices in LA, San Fran and the 1-800 number they have listed on the site with no luck. They wont admit its there fault that we could not board our plane and made an excuse saying that I needed a visa because I was landing in China and the Chinese government requires VISA’s on arrival. LIES!!!! I called the Chinese embassy and was told connecting flight passengers can remain in China for up to 72 hours if they have a connecting flight to a different county.