Aerolineas Argentinas review by evelyn 2013-12-31

    December 31, 2013

    Avoid At all costs, if possible. Very lengthy, very scathing review below.

    I purchased tickets for their flights with trepidation, having read all the horror stories. We didn’t really have another choice in regards to time and flight routes. They have NOT improved. We’re now on the 2nd of 4 domestic flights and they have already screwed us over bigtime.

    First was Iguazu to Salta. They’d already changed the time by several hours between my buying the ticket and our arrival to Argentina. Good sign, right? They do not bother sending out flight delay alerts and don’t update their site even though I checked flight status the morning of the flight. I don’t know why either of these are difficult to do. The flight was delayed over an hour upon arrival at the airport so, in total, 4 hours later than I had bought the tickets for. We were MORE screwed because we were driving to Purmamarca, approx 4 hours. It was raining heavily. It was dark. We were on unknown roads. Not exactly a good time.

    Flight 2/4 – we got up at 4am to catch a 6am flight. No one in their right mind gets up at 4 unless they have somewhere to be. Upon arrival at the airport at 5, we were informed the flight was cancelled, even though by the crowd it looks at least half full. Our given option was to wait for an Andes flight at 8am. At that point, I was beyond pissed at having woken up at an ungodly hour when we could have slept for 2 more hours. But, it gets even better! Upon arrival in BA, the next flight to Mendoza is at 2:40 so we must wait 5 hours in the airport (assuming of course the flight leaves on time ha) and our entire day in Mendoza is shot.

    Can I return to the non-usage of flight updates that every other airline implements? Are they a bunch of sadists who enjoy making hundreds of people wait at airports everyday, wasting their time and ruining carefully planned vacations?

    I am just waiting in horror at what they will do to us for the remaining flights – one whose time they have already changed 2x. I expect only the very worst. I can’t return my tickets, but they can change, delay and cancel to their heart’s content. I have traveled quite a bit and on different airlines. Aerolineas are truly the worst and I know my story is hardly new or unique, but I will be posting this in every nook and cranny of the Internet with the faint hope that someone in corporate will change this godawful bullsh*t. They do not deserve to be in business.

    Update: flight 3/4. I’m sitting in Aeroparque – quelle surprise! Our flight left on time from Mendoza- I thought it was a Christmas miracle. I bought, as 1 ticket, a flight to BA with a connection to El Cafayate. There was 40 minutes between flights, which I knew was tight.

    We were not issued boarding passes for both flights which I didn’t realize until on the first plane. I raced to their counter and asked the guard if I would make the Calafate flight waiting on the line and was told yes, No problem. Of course I was told differently by the man checking us in. Silly me, having flown extensively, to be so naive as to think Aerolineas would hold our connecting flight for us when they saw we were on board and needed that connection. As any other airline would do. I asked the manager if they wouldn’t make an exception since this was their fault, not ours. We had no baggage to check and only had to get past security. Nope. Didn’t care.

    We were sent first to wait on line at the ticket sales desk, and then told from there to go to an unmarked office across the hall to get tickets for the flight in 3 hours. Super. So why in hell do they sell these tickets as a package when they’re physically impossible for anyone to do? 11 days in the country, 3 of them ruined by Aerolineas.