Qantas: No COVID-19 jab, no fly!

23 November, 2020

3 min read

Airline News
Geoffrey Thomas

Geoffrey Thomas

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Geoffrey Thomas

Geoffrey Thomas

23 November, 2020

Qantas chief Alan Joyce has warned that only passengers that have had the COVID-19 vaccine will be able to fly with the airline on international routes. Speaking with Channel 7's Sunrise Program My Joyce said he wants a ''vaccination passport" for all travelers. That call comes as The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that it is in the final development phase of the IATA Travel Pass, a digital health pass that will support the safe reopening of borders. READ: Airbus super salesman blames engine manufacturers for A380 failure. It says that Governments are beginning to use testing as a means of limiting the risks of COVID-19 importation when re-opening their borders to travelers without quarantine measures. "IATA Travel Pass will manage and verify the secure flow of necessary testing or vaccine information among governments, airlines, laboratories, and travelers," the industry association says. IATA is calling for systematic COVID-19 testing of all international travelers and the information flow infrastructure needed to enable this must support:
  • Governments with the means to verify the authenticity of tests and the identity of those presenting the test certificates.
  • Airlines with the ability to provide accurate information to their passengers on test requirements and verify that a passenger meets the requirements for travel.
  • Laboratories with the means to issue digital certificates to passengers that will be recognized by governments, and;
  • Travelers with accurate information on test requirements, where they can get tested or vaccinated, and the means to securely convey test information to airlines and border authorities.
Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and CEO said “today borders are double locked. Testing is the first key to enable international travel without quarantine measures. The second key is the global information infrastructure needed to securely manage, share and verify test data matched with traveler identities in compliance with border control requirements. "That’s the job of IATA Travel Pass. We are bringing this to market in the coming months to also meet the needs of the various travel bubbles and public health corridors that are starting operation,”  de Juniac said. IATA says its Travel Pass incorporates four open-sourced and interoperable modules which can be combined for an end-to-end solution:
  • Global registry of health requirements – enables passengers to find accurate information on travel, testing, and eventually vaccine requirements for their journey.
  • Global registry of testing/vaccination centers – enables passengers to find testing centers and labs at their departure location which meet the standards for testing and vaccination requirements of their destination.
  • Lab App – enables authorized labs and test centers to securely share test and vaccination certificates with passengers.
  • Contactless Travel App - enables passengers to (1) create a ‘digital passport’, (2) receive test and vaccination certificates and verify that they are sufficient for their itinerary, and (3) share testing or vaccination certificates with airlines and authorities to facilitate travel. This app can also be used by travelers to manage travel documentation digitally and seamlessly throughout their journey, improving the travel experience.
The first cross-border IATA Travel Pass pilot is scheduled for later this year and the launch slated for quarter one 2021.

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