Our flight to Las Vegas was fine. However, our flight home was less than pleasing. A mechanical delay caused us to miss our connecting flight in Dallas. After standing in line for an hour to talk to somebody about hotel accommodations, each member of our party was provided $12 in food vouchers and a hotel room. And it was 9:30 pm and restaurants close at 10pm. So $12 and now less than 30 minutes to use them. But we were told we could use them at the hotel restaurant if we wanted to. Which we decided against thankfully. Because it turned out the hotel didn't have a restaurant. Or anything within walking distance to have gotten food. The hotel was the biggest dump I have ever seen in my life. The area was not good. The room smelled terrible. The TV didn't work. Oh and we had something splattered on the wall of our room that was quite possibly blood. By some miracle, our bags actually made our plane back to our destination. But they were basically destroyed. Absolutely filthy and multiple dents in them. This was my first time flying American and it will definitely be my last.
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American Airlines
Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
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