The Midland, Texas airport is small, so it's natural to get there 30-45 minutes before the plane leaves. My boyfriend was about to get on his plane and the lady taking tickets said him, along with three other people, could not get on. She gave no explaination why and said she was going to get her "lead". She left the stand at 4:38 am and the plane did not leave until 5:00 a.m. It's no surprise that this lady did not come back. He ends up talking to someone else that works for AA and they said they didn't even know who that lady was, which is odd considering only 3 of them work in that airport. He works in Texas but lives in Alabama and was coming home for the weekend and was supposed to be here at 10:30 this morning! He won't be here until 5:00 this afternoon and I am absolutely livid! That is a full day wasted! THANK YOU AMERICAN AIRLINES! No one in my family will ever(attempt) to fly with you again.
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