Etihad showed such promise and great pricing so we chose them to fly to Thailand with rather than our usual carrier's of Emirates or Jet. Never again. We found their seat booking system totally inadequate and their customer relations department totally uninterested in helping. Their seats are small, cramped and it was impossible for us (despite entering into a 2 1/2 week long correspondence) to get any help whatsoever to get a better/different seat allocation than those forced on us by the airline, all the while being made to believe that we had a choice and the ability to select our own seats. When entering their booking system exactly 1minute after it all going online in their 24hour window to book, there was not even a single pair of seats that we could have taken other than the ones we were forced to accept (the worst on the plane). All subsequent correspondence involved either being ignored entirely, or the actual points being danced around but never addressed. Simply because their customer service department was so utterly awful and their treatment of us so bad, I'd NEVER fly with them again and urge other to avoid them as well.
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Etihad Airways
Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
Recommend Airline