They didn’t ever answer my call after being on hold for 42 minutes and they didn't have the courtesy of replying to my email so I went on line to cancel my reservation. My confirmation number was not found so I can only assume they canceled my reservation rather than addressing my concerns expressed in my email.. I’m saddened to learn of their poor business practices because we have many friends on their routes and we would have liked to use them in the future. Not only is this unlikely now, but we will also share your rudeness to them. There are other airlines albeit more expensive, but are much easier to communicate with. Once reservation is made, and after 24 hours, NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS! They charge a separate fee for everything--even carryons. Their low rates are simply a come on and are not worth it.
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Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
Recommend Airline