MH370: New and revealing debris find

April 02, 2016

A small piece of debris believed to be from the inside of the cabin of missing MH370 has been found on the island of Rodrigues Island east of Mauritius.

Pictures of the piece have been posted by the resort hotel Mourouk Ebony.


If the piece, which appears to be from an internal bulkhead which divides cabins, is proven to be from MH370 it will further support the line of thinking that MH370 was out of control when it hit the water and met a violent end.

Other theories suggest that the Boeing 777 was under the control of one of the pilots and made a controlled landing on the ocean and had minimal breakup.

According to News Corp the piece was found by Jean Dominique and Suzy Vitry who are holidaying on the island.

According to the Australian Transport Safety Authority (ATSB) the Malaysian Government is securing the debris and it will be flown to canberra Australia for analysis. 

Recently the ATSB Australia’s confirmed that the two small pieces of debris found in Mozambique four weeks ago are highly likely to have come from MH370.