Barcelona near miss caught on video

July 06, 2014

Hundreds of airline passengers on board an Aerolineas Argentineas Airbus A340 and a Russain Boeing 767 operated by UTair escaped near disaster at the Barcelona International Airport in Catalonia, Spain. These two large passenger planes came within meters of a catastrophic collision on the runway of this international EU airport, the second largest in Spain with the moment being caught on HD film.

The footage shows a Boeing 767 from Russian airline UTair making its final approach as it prepares to land. But as the plane is about to touch down an Aerolineas Argentineas Airbus A340 taxis across its path, forcing the Russian pilot to pull off a risky, emergency maneuver and pull up.

Despite the evidence caught on camera, the Spanish public body that administers most of the airports in Spain, Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA), released a statement in response to the media frenzy triggered by the video.

It says there was never any danger of a collision as there was sufficient space to carry out a landing between the two planes, reports Spanish publication El Mundo.