I was very happy with jet star brisbane to melbourne.on 22nd sept.2016.everything went well.but when we reached melbourne,the walk from the plane to the baggage.was disgusting we are pensioners, and i had a knee replacement 3 months ago,the crew was great, but the staff at the airport was bad.then on the way back from melbourne to brisbane,we tried to get a wheelchair for my self .my daughter phoned the air lines the day we were leaving to arrange a chair.got the run around,still no one could help.that was the 27th sept.then when we arrived at melb airport.again no one could help,then the good news.this young woman from jetstar were you put the baggage in, ask us could she help us what a blessing she was, could not do enough for us,pity the rest of your staff on the ground were not trained as good.she put our faith back into jetstar.if you want her details which i asked for is,Stephanie 187434.I would like you to past on our thanks you have an angel there. this has nothing to do with flight crew they were wonderful. by the way on way back the flight was JQ 564,
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