Due to the covid-19 lockdown I had to cancel my flight. I asked for a refund. They sent me an email to choose a refund in my account or in my bank account. I answer that my refund should be in my bank account, because money came from bank account not wizz. I received the same email couple of times and I gave the same answer. Then...nothing ...silence... After a while I received an email telling me that my money went to my wizz account because I didn't submit my choice of how they should process my refund... I said to my self that in the end is not to bad because sooner or later I will need to use wizz flights... Last week I checked my account and big surprise...no money into my account... I sent an email, receiving an automated registration email, but silence so far no one interested to check with me...
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Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
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