I've been flying for over 30 years and never in my life have I had such a terrible experience. I was traveling to catch an important flight for my very close uncles wake because he sadly passed away just 2 days ago due to cancer. My house 25-30 min from the airport. I left at 720am for a 9am. There were 2 accidents and normal traffic. The airport and check in was almost empty and I got to the terminal with 25 minutes to spare. The kiosk would not provide my boarding pass based on timing. No problem, I've been in this situation many times. I spoke to someone at JetBlue for help - but that's not what I got, at all. The first woman told me I can't get a boarding pass unless I'm 40 minutes early. Note - I've never had an issue like this with Delta or US Air or any other airline. They always gave me my ticket and even helped me move quick to make the flight. So I explained my situation about my uncle and did she say, "sorry for your loss let me see if I can help."? No, she argued with me and told me to book a new flight and to talk to someone else. Then I spoke to Martial Santos. Wow, rather than help and show any level of human sympathy he lectured me on traffic and tried to
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JetBlue Airways
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Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
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