I flown from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney a flight which is 7,5 hours long. I've asked nicely for a water because I think it's normal for a long way like this to get a water but the staff was very rude and didn't gave me anything (only for people who booked it). It's very inhuman to get no water in 7,5 hours, only if you pay! Our first flight from Phuket to Kuala Lumpur was again delayed so when we arrived in KLP we've ran to the next terminal because it was already boarding so we didn't get the chance to buy or take any water! It's really unearthly to offer no free water in a flight which is so long! I've flown so many times with many different airlines but something like (don't get ONLY A WATER in 7,5 hours without paying) I've never experienced! Baddest airline and staff ever! I'll not recommend anyone AirAsia and I'll never fly with this airline again! EDITORS COMMENT: Most low cost carriers are like this. Anything you want on board is to be paid for including water - not something we agree with but that is what low cost carriers are are.
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