Passenger Review

Lufthansa review by German 2016-10-27

6 / 10

26 October, 2016 by ar

Premium Economy

I was expecting a much better product but it was very disappointing at must all levels... I would say that is just a Economy Plus seating with a nice extra reclining seats... because as service is nothing different. Many airlines are calling Premium Economy to some just Economy Plus area. What you expect and what you receive: -Priority Boarding: NO... you board at the same time of others in Economy...unless you have elite status. - Welcoming Drink: Simple Juice and no possible to change to water...not even diet coke. - -Separate Cabin: NO... in 747-800 is between two regular economy cabins and restrooms are busy because all in economy comes to this ones...and if you are in the first row you will have a Rabi praying in front of you... or few Muslim faith people praying in front of you as well. - Exclusive food: PARTIALLY... the breakfast or second meal is a bit different from economy, after that is the same of economy served in porcelain plates but small tray. - Additional Luggage: YES 2 pieces. - VEREDICT: 5 out of 10. I rather pay $100 for extra leg room seat in regular economy and have the room that I need with the same food and drinks. Not $400 ea



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Seat and Cabin Space


Customer Service


In Flight Entertainment


Baggage Handling


Check-in Process


Meals and Beverages


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