I would like to share with you my worst experience ever which I had with Fly Dubai. Being traveling very often with different airlines this was the worst service and attitude I have ever face in my life. My mother use to fly with air Arabia and UIA very often and this time we decided to book fly dubai for the first time as it's going directly to kyiv which is very comfortable. When my mother arrived to Dubai she asked me to do not book this flight any more, as even to get one glass of water the staff makes you feel like you are asking the gold from them, they are not polite and not attentive at all. As she had return ticket on 28.08.17 she supposed to fly again but she didn't... because there was NO SPACE IN THE FLIGHT!!! And we arrived on time!!! How it's possible, who sets on the place which I have paid!!!! I can't express my feeling in this letter as what happened later was worst. We have asked to talk to a manager or person in charge. Normally this people has proper office, but fly Dubai hasn't and after waiting more than 40 min someone finally approached us, it was supervisor in charge. He explained to us they the flight is over booked and he can't do anything except offer next available flight. So easy!!!!! My question is how it's possible that you are selling more than your capacity!??? This is total disaster!!! Kindly see below points which nobody cared about: 1. My mother is an old woman with hypertension. Because of stress received we have to call medical support. It's registered in your system that she had high blood pressure. Nobody offered for her a chair!! 2. I'm pregnant woman and was standing on this desk for about 5 hours and nobody offered for me chair !!! Normally good respecting companies has an office! 3. My mother had train ticked to reach home from Kiev which was booked 2 month an advance as this train going to south and always full! She miss that train and nobody care how is going to get home! 10 hours way! 4. I have 2 small children (2 years and another 7 month only) waiting for me in the car with my friend while we were trying to fix this issue. Almost 5 hours!!! 5. Nobody care that because of your mistake my mother going to have visa overstay!! They told me that this is my problem!!! 6. Staff on the desk very unprofessional and cold, they not qualified to do their job properly! 8. Because there was not train available on the other date I booked with my own money fly ticket to her home town which cost me 1150 AED. Your staff told me to do that as it's not their problem and they mentioned that money will be refunded! I was demanding a compensation as per their instruction but the only answer which i have got from them was "As per our policy we are not able to compensate you your expenses". POLICY?? What kind of policy is it?? You are very professional to create problems for people, to put them in trouble in order to get some money! At the end want to mention there was one more lady crying in the terminal because of the same issue and nobody care about
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