Being a loyal Virgin Australia passenger I found myself stranded in LA and unable to get back to Melbourne. I flew Fiji Airways in February 2021 and Air New Zealand in November. I can say without a doubt my flight with Fiji Airways was far more comfortable in every way compared to air New Zealand. From the comfort of the seats to the incredible vegetarian food there was no comparison. I honestly find the flight crew so delightful, although I have great admiration for all flight crews there was a warmth from all on both flights each way that made it just that was just a little more welcoming. Although Nadi airport leaves a little to be desired my short layover makes it bearable. I'm flying again next month and I didn't even look at prices (although I wasn't aware Virgin was flying to LA again) I still think I'd choose Fiji Airways
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Fiji Airways
Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
Recommend Airline