WARNING!...DO NOT FLY AEROMEXICO. Just came back from a trip to Vallarta. First thing that happened, at the Airport in MIA we were charged for the two boxes we checked, Aeromexico did not use to charge for 1st checked bag, but now they do. The plain left a little late. On our way there we had a layover in Mexico City but it was raining and they had to fly in circles for about thirty minutes. Finally landed and went to pick up the boxes to go through customs, but as soon as those boxes came out of the carousel cops were all over us (we had presents in the boxes which were wet and starting to fall apart). They checked them and all was okay, so we went to turn in the boxes at the counter and we were told to go wrap the boxes in plastic. My husband told the lady that our connecting flight was about to leave, but she said that flight was delayed due to storm, "you have time." Well, guess what? By the time we returned with boxes wrapped in plastic the plane was gone. We had to stay overnight in Mexico City, we were not given a Hotel voucher. The staff of Aeromexico are the most incompetent people I've ever met. Trip there was a nightmare, lucky for us our return flight was in Delta.
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