THE MOST HORIBLE GROUND & INFLIGHT STAFF , THE WORST FOOD ONE CAN EXPERIANCE ON DELHI MELBOURNE NON STOP FLIGHT , SO CALLED DREMLINER OF AIR INDIA. I flew form Amritsar to Melbourne, on 22 june 2016, 1. Horible ill mannered ground staff of AIR INDIA at Amritsar international Airport . I checked weight of my check in baggage before hand proceeding to air port which was 29 kg at Blue dart courrier weighing scale , and my personal weighing scale . Both shown 29 kgs. AT Amritsar air port I counter checked baggage ON Coursty weighing scale provided by Airport Authorties to my surprise it was showing 31 kg . To counter check I checked m y Body weight it showd 3kg more than my actual weight. i asked other educated co passangers to check there baggae & body weight . all weight were shown 2 - 3 kg more. 2. Next come check in : There also weight on three different Air india check in counters weights shown different of same baggage. & to worst lady on check in counter wanted to charge extra baggage . FURTHER MD of air port was called to sort out the issue he was worst of all sinc e i had to catch connecting flight from delhi i got rid of paying extra baggaeg .
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