Again After forced to forfeit Destination Ticket, Purposely denied Return on time arrival. 4 members again Shafted! Traductor de Google Having had a terrible experience on the Trip To Cordoba Arghentina.. and now retirnbinf after a Funeral..we arrived with plenty of time, all together we were a group of 7! on that Flighj-, Only 3 barely recieved got boarding passes having Norweigian a using only one attendant and very slow and very innefeciente--Those who recieved passed (All dcenied online checj ins as well) and waited oustide wthus before finaly passing securtity check even having coffee at ease. I arrived with my 76 yaer old mother and w other brothers at same time, but by time ONLY employee emited other tickets, she said it was too late fotr US !! Plane to leave 19;20 Hours and we were at counter at 18;10 hours!- She insisted she could not emit furher passes at desk so must must use our cell pohones and try again.. as before, even as i esplains it wasa denioed 3 tinmes priors sveral horse before arrivin! it was denied. When to self checm in with passports (she never suggested we go there either!) . only to read gate was Closed. All the the while my uncles and cousions sat outside with family having coffe at at ease since boarding would not occur for anotyer hour or so!. Used the call center Number provided at desk, Not that Numner is not online. A person from another end of the plantet said he was last employee talking calls and after much explanaition on our behald said he would make us a favor: That only alternative was to pay again another 764 U$D Just for return tickets (From To our destinatiuon tickets were forfeited for same problem!) Once gain.. So Boarding was still Possible ( The rest of out famiult was still with us at counter and outside - and our seats remained still empty! As a *Kind¨exception we could travel next day at another U$D 180 per person..or another U$D 720 total - In all This time the young girl who was supossed to print our boarding passes as we could not have them done online declined to do so..and Hiurredly left her seat and all responsiblity toward good faith travelers. Thet have no Office on any floor open to publiuc if any. They could not even print passes should we choose to accept any offrers. So again we would have sonated mopre money to thenm with no assurance. In they end we went To Local Aerolineas Argentinas in last minute prices which usualy are higher yet cost less than purchasing from Greedy, False , Corrupt and descieving Norwiegian Airlines. I will now Pusrue all Damages to all our family members , We will revoiew all There acountring in detail, my case and how thety operate loacally and who and where they pay ataxes and who fronts Them Loacally and abround and will request all claims of overcosts and poractices usdes to evade tacxes loaclly.. On This I will Not Rest! And all their decieving Poilicies which blatamntly contradict all written on their own piurchase reciepts. ,Save pousrself Time Money and Head aches, MY Pursuit is no about Money..It is now about Principles and Looting Decieving Loss of opportunitiies.., Misrepresenteation, False statements and of Course Moral , I will Persue it o Fullesst etxtent Of Law In Coordinations With Loacla and Interanciona- lI can Affors to have this Dioen Most Canyt and that is what gthey bank on- DO NOT BE DECIEVED. Say Healthy Have a Plaeasnt Stay In Argentina and Abroud and Avoid this Unnecsary Company at all Costs!
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