My elderly parents traveled with Fiji Airways on 12/11/17 and due to the airline overbooked passengers they changed my elderly parents flight to Brisbane to Sydney and failed to explained my elderly parents that they have to go from International airport to Domestic and carry their suitcase themselves. A cousin of mine who noticed my parents flight was changed and went to request Fiji Airways staff to get them back on their initial flight as they are elderly and have got health concerns and not fair for them to be in such situation. My cousin requested airline to provide wheelchair service to both my parents which was stamped on their boarding pass. As my parents were getting off the flight, they approached the air hostess who asked them to "keep walking" and no wheelchair service was provided. Then my parents got lost at Sydney airport and missed their flight to Brisbane as they are elderly- late 70's and early 70's and slow at walking. Me and my family were waiting at Brisbane airport for 3hrs and then rang Fiji Airways who mentioned that my parents changed their flight - which was a total lie, my parents were forced to change their flights by the airline staff at Nadi Fiji and airline staff failed to notify Next of Kin. Fiji Airways neglected 2 elderly passengers- age and health, failed their duty of care, and gave incorrect advice to elderly passengers and failed to provide service that they promised. My parents bought their airline ticket on 24/7/17 and they paid full fare. I even requested airline staff on 12/11/17 (when discovered that flights were changed and I had to go to work that afternoon) to pay Jetstar and get my parents to Gold Coast safely and pay Cab Charge as it was not suitable for me to pick them up due to work commitments as the above was their fault. Airline staff claimed that had to pay and then apply in writing, which is not practical as i needed the money there and then to organise the services. Fiji Airways caused lots of distress to my parents and the rest of the family on the day. The next day my Dad was having difficulty walking and I have a letter from GP to provide evidence that Mum and Dad carry their suitcase around Sydney International Airport to Domestic caused them pain and discomfort. My Dad had to seek medical advice and is currently on medications to help him post carrying 3 large suitcases and Fiji Airways failing to provide them wheelchair service as agreed at Nadi Airport. I strongly feel the distress caused by the airline and failing to provide the service and neglecting elderly passenger, my parents should be given full refund of their air fare. It was not my parents fault is the airline has overbooked passengers and also not to inconvenience elderly couple, they could have chosen younger passengers who are fit. It appeards the airline staff foung elderly people vulnerable and unable to represent themselves- they took advantage of their vulnerability--I take this as a form of elder abuse and neglect. I LODGED A COMPLAINT ON PHONE ON 12/11/17 AND REQUESTED IF A SENIOR AIRLINE STAFF CAN CONTACT ME ON 13/11/17 WHICH HAS NOT HAPPENED TILL TODAY(19/11/17.) The airline has made money from my parents and they do not care the harm they have caused to the elderly passengers. I am happy to talk to anyone if you need more information. Angelina Narayan Mobile 0466-860-599
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