747-400 and 3-4-3 seating configuration. These are the most uncomfortable seats I have ever had the displeasure of using (and I heard the ones in the 777 are even worse). There is very little room underneath the economy seats to stick your feet. The seats are very narrow so not even regular people fit comfortably. The legroom is far too short (unless you are 5'-4" or less and the dutch are much taller). The seats have very little padding and gave me a very bad bachache. There is not enough recline on the seats, and when the seat in front does recline, you cant see the infotainment screen, not that you can make anything out on a 144p resolution screen anyway. The only decent things are the cabin crew and the food is OK. Still poor value. I will never again fly KLM for any long distance flight.
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Overall Value for Money
Seat and Cabin Space
Customer Service
In Flight Entertainment
Baggage Handling
Check-in Process
Meals and Beverages
Recommend Airline