I have been a MileagePlus member for 7 years and have traveled numerous times with United and was mostly satisfied with their service. But on the last 12 months I have traveled 4 times and on 3 of this trips I have come home to find out missing items from my baggage. The first 2 claims were paid but my 3rd claim was denied according to the wording on the denial letter because I falsified/altered information. I explained to the representative that I probably misunderstood/overlooked the question and that it was not intentionally. I erroneously answered "No" to a question that should have been a "Yes" and for that I was treated as trying to commit fraud. I'm disappointed with United handling of my claim but I guess my mistake worked in their favor and they used it to avoid having to pay my claim. Anyone traveling with United should be very careful of safekeeping their valuable.
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