Upon leaving the aircraft in Copenhagen i asked their cabin crew for our stroller but i was told that unfortunately i would get it in Greece. I tried to explained to them my situation and then a woman came to us. She was the rudest person i have met in my life. At first she denied even to listen to me when at the same time there was another stroller outside the aircraft and a woman who was putting her little kid in. When I told her that this is unacceptable since there was another stroller outside and she discriminate us, she started yelling at us. She also cut my wife off speaking and said, "stop, i am not talking to you". Then i told her that i need to talk to someone who is in charge and she responded “”¦ I am the BOSS here!!!”. She was extremely confrontational and rude and she also scared my 3 years old daughter who started crying. Unfortunately, as a result of this incident and the whole frustration and suffering, my wife stopped producing breast milk to feed our 6-month daughter. We were stacked at the airport for 10 hours with a hungry 6-months baby. After the first seven hours it started getting worst because we felt that she started getting dehydrated and we were about to
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