Lion Air review by Rachmat 2013-12-28

    December 28, 2013

    I had a flight with Lion Air from Jakarta (CGK) to Jogjakarta (JOG) about two weeks ago. It was terrifying!! I wouldn’t expect too much for food or entertainment as they serve nothing on these two service area. My great concern was the flight safety and schedule. Without any specific explanation or apology, they changed my return flight to Jakarta. I should have leave jogjakarta in 9.25 am, they changed my flight to a different flight number leaving jogjakarta in 13.25. They informed this change just three days before the flight. When asking for this change, their call center was always busy.
    The worst thing is happened when I landed in Jogjakarta Adisucipto… I was quiet worry when the plane was losing altitude too quickly before landing. It seems the pilot is not experienced and he seemed too afraid of running out of runway.. He went too low when it’s about to reach the runway… I can feel he add throttle again to made it to reach the landing area. It resulted in a very rough landing…. women are screaming… I was afraid too as everyone was bouncing from their seat quite wildly… Thank God, the suspension gear didn’t break and the plane finally stopped. The return flight was ok, smooth landing in Jakarta, although they changed my flight schedule without any explanation or apology.