Lion Air review by Adam 2014-01-22

    January 22, 2014

    I recently flew lion air from Singapore to Jakarta. They are the worst airline I have ever delt with. Their website give little to no info on baggage allowance, their staff took advantage of us and forced us to buy extra unneeded tickets from them, charged me 168$ for excess baggage of my scuba equipment, and then lost my luggage for what is now going on 3 days. I spent 4 hours at their head office where no on could help or do anything. They refused to refund my money for losing the bag and have forced us to stay in Jakarta for 2 additional days and incure cost like hotel, transport and food in a city we were only going to spend a night in. They ruined our vacation and the reviews you have listed for them are way too good. Their customer service reps have still not gotten back to me dispute multiple emails sent to them. Thanks for your time