Avianca review by Allen 2014-01-21

    January 21, 2014

    I write this on behalf of my relative who left Atlanta, GA on an American Airlines flight to Miami. In Miami he picked up an AVIANCA flight to Bogata, Columbia. He was able to carry on the plane to TSA approved bags one of which contained over 25 different very serious medicines, $20K, a brand new Apple Mac Book Pro, Sony Camcorder as well as an very nice Apple IPOD In Bogata as he was boarding the AeroGal plane owned by AVIANCA one of the baggage guys yanked the 24 x12 bag from my relative. He did not even have the chance to say to them that he absolutely needed to keep the bag with him. Well when he arrived in Quito all of his bags arrived except for the one bag that carried all of his medicines and electronic equipment and $20K. He filed a claim. AVIANCA stated that they would deliver his bag to him the next day. Well the bag never came until 7 days later and when it did finally show up it came with all the locks cut off and zip ties replaced. When he opened the bag everything was gone. He had gotten very ill due to him coming off of all of his medicines immediately. He became extremely ill and even was hospitalized several times. Avianca offered him $1,000.00 but he felt he needed to refuse. To this day AVIANCA HAS NOT PAID MY RELATIVE ONE RED CENT AND IT HAS BEEN OVER 10 MONTHS NOW THAT THIS HAS OCCURED. He has had to obtain legal help to force AVIANCA to compensate him for this catastrophic medical incident.