Thousands watching US spy planes and tankers over Europe

February 27, 2022
spy plane
Flight track of Forte11, taken at 2130 UTC 26 February

The most-watched aircraft on the flight tracking App Flightradar 24 are a Global Hawk unmanned spy plane and USAF KC135 and KC10 tankers.

The unmanned Global Hawk has been flying over the Black Sea just south of Russia’s naval base at Sevastopol while the KC135 (Boeing 707s) and KC10 (DC-10) tankers have been stationed over Romania and Poland.

Over 58,000 people are watching the activities of the Global Hawk which has a call sign of “Forte12” or “Forte11”.

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The $170 million aircraft is piloted remotely and operates from Italy.

It has an endurance of about 32 hours and can fly over 22,000km at an altitude of 18,000m.

Here is Saturday’s mission of Forte11.

Here are the flight tracks of the two KC-135s which are operating out of bases in the United Kingdom. Tens of thousands of people are monitoring their flight paths.

The tankers would be supporting AWACs spy planes and possibly fighters patrolling the air space.

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