New debris field

March 26, 2014
MH370 drift french satellite
Some of the possible MH370 debris in French satellite images

New satellite images showing 122 objects, some 23m long, will give the international team scouring the southern Indian Ocean for MH370 new intelligence to refine the vast search area 2500km south-west of Perth.
The image taken on March 23 by the French was provided to the Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency.
Some are bright, possibly indicating solid material such as part of a wing.
Acting Malaysian Minister of Transportation Hishammuddin Bin Hussein said that “this is another new lead that will help direct the search operation.”
The new image is the fourth positive sighting from satellites and shows debris located 2557km southwest of Perth between the original Australian image taken on March 16 and that take by the Chinese on March 18.
Shot through broken cloud, the images shows debris spread over a very wide area of 400sq km according to the acting Malaysian Transport Minister.
Some of the pieces are very large such as 22.5m by 6m, 11m by 4m and 23m by 10m in size.
The large pieces are likely to be wing or tail sections.
Smaller item are more likely to be from the cabin of the 777.
Today the Australian Maritime Safety Authority is expected to send out planes to new coordinates to get verification.
HMAS Supply and the Chinese ice breaker Xue Long are in the area searching for debris and are expected to be redirected to the new co-ordinates.
The three Chinese warships the Kunlunshan, the Haikou and the Qiandaohu have also arrived in the search area.

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