All By Myself

June 11, 2014

What would you do if you had a last minute overnight layover in Las Vegas? For most of us it would be an excuse to party on the Strip until sunrise. Richard Dunn however, got a little more creative. He gave up a night of partying in favour of a night in with his iPhone, filming a music video to Celine Dion’s “All By Myself.”
So how does one “all by himself” alone in an airport manage to capture a spectacular video almost as good as Celines?
Richard explains his approach. “I had a person behind a ticket counter give me a roll of luggage tape before she left. I then used a wheelchair that had a tall pole on the back of it and taped my iPhone to that. Then I would put it on the moving walkway for a dolly shot,” Dunn wrote on his Vimeo page. “I also used the extended handle on my computer bag and taped the iPhone to my handle. I would tuck different stuff under the bag to get the right angle. For the escalator shot I had to sprint up the steps after I got my shot so the computer bag didn’t hit the top and fall back down. Quite fun!”
You can see the brilliant video (below) of Dunn lip-syncing to Celine’s hit while wandering through the vacant airport. We hope this is not a one hit wonder for him!