A third piece of MH370 debris?

06 March, 2016

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Geoffrey Thomas

Geoffrey Thomas

06 March, 2016

Another piece of suspected MH370 which carries the grey and blue Malaysia Airlines colours has been discovered on Reunion Island.

In a twist,  the piece which was handed over to police last Thursday, was found by the Johnny Begue, who discovered the Boeing 777 "flaperon" in July last year.

Mr Begue told AFP that he was out jogging on the shore when he found the object measuring about 40 by 20 centimetres which had a blue mark on the surface and was grey underneath.

The piece appears to be aeronautical in nature.

Mr Begue said that since the discovery of the Flaperon he has been combing the island's shores.

"When there's bad weather that is when you should look, when the sea tosses up a lot of stuff," he said.

It is understood that the piece will be sent to the French crash authority, the BEA, for forensic examination.

Relations between the French and Malaysian authorities are strained over information swapping relating to MH370 so it may be weeks before any confirmation is forthcoming.

In 2014 after the disappearance of MH370 the French set up a murder inquiry because several of its nationals were aboard.

However the Malaysians were not as co-operative as French investigators would have liked.

If this piece of debris and the one found in the Mozambique Channel (below) are confirmed as being from MH370 it would support the catastrophic impact theory rather than controlled flight onto the ocean surface.

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