10 things that will get you on China’s banned list for life

by AirlineRatings.com
February 15, 2016

Whilst we all moan and groan about certain types of people and their behaviour on a plane, thankfully, for the most part, we are all pretty clued up on the etiquettes of flying, or so we think.

Chinese airlines however, have recently put together a somewhat bizarre list of things that will get you banned from ever flying again should you think of doing them. Bizarre becaue we think, 'who would do that?' well… the list was put together because these things have all happened not so long ago.

Here's the ten things you are simply not to do in China (or anywhere for that matter!)

1. Blocking the airline counters, security lines or gates

This first prohibited deed came about following an incident last year in Bangkok wherein Chinese passengers, apparently angry about the delay of their flight to Chongqing, blocked the airline counter. The passengers apparently starting singing the Chinese national anthem as a sign of protest.

2. Rude or violent speech/conduct inside the airports or airplanes

Although this may have come about from many instances, in one example, last year a Chinese passenger in economy class on a United Airlines flight caused a massive scene when demanding to be changed to first class.

3. Acts of violence or threats towards the cabin crew

The friendly staff in the sky are there to offer you complimentary beverages and assist you in ways that will make your trip more enjoyable. They are not, however, there for you to pour hot water on when you find fault with their service, like a passenger did on a flight from Bangkok to Nanjing last year.

4. Ignoring the instructions of the cabin crew

For most passengers, disregarding instructions from the crew by doing things like unfastening your seatbelt or using your cell phone during takeoff or landing might get you a stern warning. However, the CATA now reserves the right to keep you off airplanes for life if you decide to break the rules!

5. Opening the emergency door or cockpit without permission

They are called “emergency doors” for a reason. Declaring you want to disembark before others and needing to breathe fresh air while the plane is moving to a gate is definitely not a valid explanation.

6. Breaking through the gate in an attempt to board

When you refuse to pay the additional fees for excessively heavy carry-on luggage and try to forcibly board the plane by breaking through the gate, you are going to get seized by the airport staff. And get a ridiculous warning made about your behavior for everyone to read.

7. Destructive acts in the airport facilities and of airport equipment

Two years ago, after missing his second flight of the day, one passenger blew his top anddestroyed a bunch of airport equipment before being arrested. Not only would you be blacklisted for this one, you’d probably be banned from even entering that airport as well.

8. Making false bomb threats

Calling in five bomb threats in quick succession and forcing five different planes to make emergency landings probably isn’t the best way to complain about a company you are dissatisfied with. The Better Business Bureau is almost certainly a superior avenue for your dissatisfaction.

9. Entering the ramp areas, runways, or taxiways

Three years ago, passengers who were angry about flight delays broke onto the runways in Shanghai and Guangzhou in protest of them before being restrained. Forget blacklisted, those actions could potentially get you killed.

10. Acts that bother other customers or interfere with the duties of the flight staff

Calmly letting your child defecate in the aisle when someone else is using the toilet is not only bad airplane etiquette, it’s bad everyday etiquette as well. There are plenty of other instances that this warning could apply to, but that one takes the smelly cake.