Thomson Airways review by John 2013-09-14

    September 14, 2013

    Flight TOM2243 on 16/07/2013 from Heraklion airport to Manchester airport with the scheduled departure time of 18:30 GMT on the 16/07/2013.
    This flight arrived 16 hours and 5 minutes late at Heraklion airport.

    The way we where treated was not acceptable and i believe that Thompsons have failed a Duty Of Care towards us during the delay.

    When asking Thompsons staff what was happening after we were told that our flight was cancelled the following quotes were taken by myself also with video evidence that i took on my phone at the airport and throughout the 24 hour period.

    When asking staff at the airport what was happening they both replied ‘i dont know i have only been working for thompsons for 3 days’.
    I then demanded to see the thompsons superviser at the airport but head of operations did not want to talk. She was no were to be seen throughout this awful ordeal and only showed her face when we finally boarded the plane the day after.

    It took Thompsons staff over an hour to arrange transportation to the hotel provided as there were not enough seats on the coaches and children were sitting on laps throughout the journey. I have video evidence of this ordeal and the total panic that set in.Thompsons did not control nor care and your staff let everyone smoke on the airport field and let me video the whole scene.!

    When arriving at the hotel Vanisko i asked a Thomsons rep if we could have any food or water she replied ‘The hotel has no food’. Yet i have video evidence of a hotel worker eating a meal 20 minutes after. She spoke very good english when it suited and again her excuse was ‘ive only worked for Thompsons for 3 days’. Other passengers in the group had no nappies for children, everyone was hungry and your staff did not care or accomodate for this.

    In the morning we were told that the coaches would arrive and take us all to the airport.
    This again was very hard work for Thompsons staff as they simply could not count as only 2 coaches arrived and reps expected people to stand up or sit on laps. A Thompsons rep wanted me and my partner to sit on a different bus than our luggage was on because they filled the coaches in panic without any order. Surely Thompsons staff knew how many people they were responsible for? There were peolple waiting for extra coaches in panic as the reps had said ‘we don’t have enough coaches’. I have video evidence of Helen running around in blind panic as she did not control the situation at all. The rep later broke down on the coach in tears over the tannoy and yelled a barrage of abuse at me because i quoted her on what she was saying. Another rep also
    spoke no English and just flapped about shouting in Greek which made everyone feel awkward and frightened.

    When finally boarding the plane we were told that we would receive complimentary food and drink. The drink was cloudy tap water on plane and 1 and half hours into the flight we received a multigrain bread with ham and Gouda cheese..which was frozen in the middle!!!!