Singapore Airlines review by Clement 2016-02-15

    February 15, 2016

    I flew on SQ 468 from Sin to Cmb on 13 Feb 2016 returning from New Zealand. One of the female cabin crew (in blue dress), a young girl in my section was requested by me for a copy of the Readers Digest magazine on boarding. She stated that she would get me the copy later. When drinks were being served, I asked for a specific drink from the same stewardess who promised to fetch same later. When meals were being cleared I reminded her about the drink for which again she said would fetch later. This was overheard by the senior flight stewardess (in red dress) who intervened, apologized for the delay and immediately got me the drink requested. Later on I reminded the young stewardess about the Readers Digest magazine for which she surprised me by LYING that the periodical was not available on board. When the senior stewardess passed me the next time I requested the magazine from her which she promptly delivered. I would have reported this matter to the senior staff if not for the short duration of the flight.
    This young stewardess is not suited to serve in such an international award winning airline. Surprised that SQ has recruited such a person/ not given her proper training.