Scoot review by Len 2014-12-06

    December 06, 2014

    Completely unacceptable food (only one meal in 7.5 hours and that was a tiny effort with fatty meat and nothing substantial plus a Toblerone), one drink in 7.5 hours, a seat wih no footrest, the curtain draped over me (seat 11D) so everytime a passenger went to the toilet it woke me, no effective priority boarding (only one line), no priority bags, no in flight entertainment unless one had an iPod, no newspaper, no cushion, no blanket and the economy passengers got off before us all adds up to the most unsatisfactory so-called business flight I have ever taken on my flights from Bangkok-Singapore-Coolangata. I would have got better service for cheaper price travelling on Thai or Singapore economy. It will be the last time I fly on Scoot, which should be called Skeleton instead because that is what it is – a bare bones service.
    EDITORS COMMENT: we are reviewing Scoot Business class in January so will look out for these things