Scoot review by Alan 2016-01-14

    January 14, 2016

    Just flown in from Singapore to Melbourne on Big Yella Fella TZ22. Flew in economy good seat width and pitch, snooze kit purchased for $15 was fine and served the purpose. The Scootees were tireless and did a great job throughout the flight. In fact the only issue on both the Scoot flights was the high level of demanding whining customers. Get a grip people this is a no frills budget airline where you only pay for what you order and don’t hassle the Scootees because your expectations don’t match the little amount of money that you paid. Saved over $900 on round trip for 3 adults on Scoot, agreeable schedule Melbourne Singapore route. So Scoot you now have my business from your parent airline. Campbell Wilson please pass on my regards to your outstanding flight crew on TZ22 January 14 from the family in row 31 middle seats.

    EDITORS COMMENT: Couldn’t agree with you more!!